
AgroLog (by Supertech Agroline ApS)


About AgroLog

Agrolog is a Danish company that specializes in providing digital solutions for agriculture. Their mission is to help farmers optimize their harvest and reduce waste through the use of technology.

Agrolog offers a range of services that include real-time monitoring and crop management. They provide farmers with access to real-time data on crops moisture, temperature, and other critical factors that affect crops, including grain and seeds. This information is collected using sensors placed in the stored crops and can be accessed by farmers through a mobile app or web portal.

One of the key features of Agrolog’s technology which analyze the data collected from the crops and provide insights. These insights can detect patterns and predict potential problems, allowing farmers to take proactive measures to prevent crop loss.

Agrolog is a cutting-edge technology company that is helping to transform agriculture as we know it. Their use of sensors and analytics is helping farmers to optimize their harvest, reduce waste, and improve sustainability.
