Let’s talk numbers
The price to sell on MEMIDOS depends on your membership and is calculated as a % of the selling price excl. VAT. In the list below you will find the percentage used to calculate the selling fee.
Percentage used to calculate the selling fee.
Sales Fee with Premium membership 8%
The sales fee is calculated as a % of the selling price exclusive VAT and exclusive shipping
Sales Fee with Standard membership 10%
The sales fee is calculated as a % of the selling price exclusive VAT and exclusive shipping
Sales Fee with Free membership 13%
The sales fee is calculated as a % of the selling price exclusive VAT and exclusive shipping
Other costs.
Pay-out fee to account within EU € 1,50
A EUR 1,50 pay-out administration fee is charged per bank transfer to accounts within the European Union (EU).
Pay-out fee to account outside EU Actual transfer costs plus € 1,50
For pay-out to accounts outside the European Union (EU), the actual transfer costs plus a EUR 1,50 administration fee is charged per bank transfer.
Refund administration fee € 5,00
If you refund a customer, MEMIDOS will refund you the amount of the selling fee you paid for the item(s), minus any direct transaction cost and a EUR 5,00 refund administration fee.