Offering to buy or sell outside of MEMIDOS policy
Offering to buy or sell outside of MEMIDOS is not allowed. Buyers and sellers also can’t share contact information, including email addresses and phone numbers, prior to completing a transaction on MEMIDOS.
Contacting another MEMIDOS user to discuss moving a purchase off MEMIDOS exposes both the buyer and seller to the risk of fraud. It also means that the buyer is not covered by the payment safety program.
What is the policy?
Buyers and sellers can’t:
- Engage in any action with a user on the site designed to complete or facilitate a transaction outside of MEMIDOS
- Share or request direct contact information prior to completing a sale
- In any communications with another MEMIDOS user, refer to or promote external websites that facilitate sales outside of MEMIDOS
- Use contact information obtained through an MEMIDOS transaction to offer to buy or sell an item outside of MEMIDOS
- List an item and then mention or link to additional identical or related items for sale outside of MEMIDOS
- Offer catalogs or other items that are used to order items directly outside of MEMIDOS
Buyers and sellers should:
- Complete purchases on MEMIDOS in order to be covered by the payment safety program. Confirmation of a completed transaction on MEMIDOS can be obtained by using the MEMIDOS checkout to complete the purchase
- Use the MEMIDOS inquiry and message system to negotiate a price and send customized offer with Coupon to a specific buyer.
Activity that doesn’t follow MEMIDOS’ policies could result in a range of actions including canceling listings, hiding or demoting all listings from search results, blocking some or all of your messages/communication with other members, lowering seller rating, buying or selling restrictions, account suspension, application of fees, and recovery of expenses for policy monitoring and enforcement. All fees paid or payable in relation to listings or accounts on which we take any action will not be refunded or otherwise credited to your account.